Since I met Ellie 5 years ago, I can't even begin to guess how many plays she's been in, both in school and local theatre. She's played characters from Jungle Book, Shrek, Frozen, Annie, Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, The Music Man and Peter Pan (just to name a few).

Ellie has caught that theatre bug and it's here to stay. At least four times a year, her parents take her to the Big Apple to catch a show on Broadway. She's even talked to and made friends with (YES, made friends with) Broadway actors. And, of course, when shows come to Rochester, they are first in line for tickets.
Here's the best thing about Ellie. She's a humble, sweet, well-behaved little girl. And I'm not just saying that because she lets me photograph her pretty much anytime I need a model.
Someday I'll be watching the Tonys and there will be Ellie, walking across the stage to accept her Best Actress award. Hmmm, maybe I'll be in for some free tickets to her show.
These are some of her Little Princess photos. Ellie brought her favorite princess dresses to my studio along with her Wonder Woman outfit. These photos were taken on a grey backdrop and then composited with various backgrounds.

Don't Wait.
Do you have a special little "Ellie" in your life who means the world to you. Maybe she loves dressing up in princess dresses, (does she wear it to the dinner table?). One saying that holds so true is "They grow up so fast." Let's get a great portrait of her for you to enjoy forever.
We have a lot of fun in the photo sessions. Play some music, sing a song, tell some silly jokes, oh and the little ones sometimes like choosing some princess jewelry from the Butterfly Box. (Sorry, adults - just for the kids.) :)
Give me a call if you have any questions about photo sessions.
Big and little Dreamers - Fine art portraits of the dreamers in your life.