Book your Portrait Session | 315.521.3993 |
I’m looking for families to take part in a Stay On Your Porch project to document our time apart together. The only cost to you is a donation that will go directly to a local food bank to help families in need. Please take a moment to read. Then reach out with any questions or to schedule your drive-by portrait.
As a community, as families and friends, we’re all in this uncertain time together. Although we can’t be together physically right now, there are important moments all around us—time with our families, calls and messages, walks and game nights. These moments are what will help all of us stay positive in a difficult situation. They’re also the ones we should remember when we look back on this shared experience.
I am looking for families to take part in a not-for-profit Stay On Your Porch project to document your time together and who we are as a community while apart. Over the next few weeks, I will be traveling throughout our area to photograph the people of our communities on their front porches. There will be no physical contact—following recommended health guidelines, I will stay a minimum of 15 feet away from your porch, give you some verbal direction to find the right pose, and photograph your family using a long-distance lens. Then, I’d like to hear a little bit about what you’re doing and how you’re doing.
Here’s the best part:
Your only contribution is a $25 donation that will go directly to a local food bank to help families in need. You will be sent a free complimentary image suitable for web and have the option of purchasing prints from my site.
How to sign up:
1. Click on the Foodlink logo below. It will take you directly to their site where you can make your donation.
2. Take a screenshot of your donation receipt and email it to me at
3. Fill out the form below and submit.
I will contact you ASAP to schedule your Porch Portrait.